
Internship/Job Hunting:


Audio Companies:

FX Plugins/Software Synthesizers/Music Informatics/Media (pdf)

FX Plugins/Software Synthesizers/Music Informatics/Media (excel)

Microphone Manufacturers

Loudspeaker Manufacturers

Headphone Manufacturers

Guitar Amp Manufacturers

Guitar Effects Manufacturers

Musical Instrument Manufacturers

Music Software Part 1

Music Software Part 2


– Most software/computer/electronics/web development/video game companies will use audio to some degree and if not, the experience will still be useful.

– Major broadcast companies and TV channels need Music Engineers.

– You’re on your own looking for studio internships, that’s not my thing.

In conclusion: Use Google.  There’s no shortage of companies, just a shortage in how many times you’re willing to send out your resume.

Additional Tips:

1) I got my first internship by getting a job seeker account at LinkedIn, which allows you to send personal messages to executives at companies.  At the very least, make a LinkedIn account.  Its just as fun as messing around on Facebook, and an infinitely better investment of your time.

2) Getting an on-campus job is a great way to gain the experience and recommendations necessary to get a summer internship.  They’re more willing to hire people without prior work experience and you can work during the semester.  Good places for jobs:

– Tutoring at the Academic Resource Center

– Working at the FORE Center (contact Chris Bennett or Colby Leider)

– Dorm Security

– Live Sound for Hurricane Productions

– MuE Studio/Lab Staff

– Teaching Assistant

3) Companies seem to have a sense of if you actually really want the job or if you just reluctantly sent in your resume.  It is after all, HR’s job to filter through your BS.  So if you really want to catch a companies attention, write about your experience and knowledge with the companies products in your cover letter instead of just copypasta-ing it.

4) Having a working project/paper to present at AES Conventions is a much better way of catching employer’s attention than desperately throwing your resume at them.  If you’re passing your classes, you have at least one remotely cool thing you could present at the conference.  Its worth the hour of your time to read guidelines and do a write-up.

5) Join a fraternity, join an on campus club, or just have friends.  But do it for the good times and to build bonds, and the networking benefits will come on their own eventually.  I don’t know why anyone would want to be friends with me so don’t ask me how to get friends.

6) Help your classmates out when you can, it reinforces your own knowledge and its good karma.  But also don’t be afraid to ask for help, even if that means admitting you aren’t the Supreme Genius at Everything.


Dual Degree in Music Engineering and Electrical Engineering

With a great deal of extra work, it is possible to complete a Dual Degree in Music Engineering and Electrical Engineering in 5 years.  Special thanks to Kyle Marcolini for paving the way for me and giving me advice on how to smoothly complete the process.  While I did not start on this track until after my Junior Year, starting even earlier can make the process go smoother.

Basic Steps to add Dual Degree:

1) Talk to head of Electrical Engineering department (currently Professor Lask) and get tracking sheet with all classes neccesary to complete Electrical Engineering degree.  He will send it to the Assistant Dean of Engineering, but keep some copies for yourself.

2) Get Dual Degree form from Provost’s Office

3) Get Dual Degree form signed by Dean of Music School and Assistant Dean of Engineering School.  Having the tracking card ready for both of them will help.

4) Take tracking card back to Provost’s Office when it has been signed.

Suggested Dual Degree Path (pdf)

Suggested Dual Degree Schedule (excel)


This is the order I took my classes, because I did not add Electrical Engineering until my Senior Year.  This schedule takes into account which classes are valuable or mandatory prerequisites or co-requisites, and also prepares students for summer internships as soon as possible, leaving less necessary classes until the 5th year.  Note: some minor changes have definitely been made to the Music Engineering program since I have started.  You may be able to use past academic bulletins, but check with your advisor or the Dean.

Special thanks to Kyle Marcolini for the help in adding a dual degree.